HALLÁS UTÁNI ÉRTÉS – Alapfok (B1) – A foreigner in Shanghai

Jöjjön most egy gyors hallás utáni értést ellenőrző feladat. Hasonló feladatokat minden magazinban találsz, minden tudásszintre! 

Hallgasd meg a párbeszédet és válaszolj a kérdésekre magyarul!

  1. Hol lakott a beszélő Shanghaiban?
  2. Hol dolgozott és hogyan járt dolgozni?
  3. Milyennek találta az életet a városban?
  4. Milyenek a tapasztalatai az étkezésről?
  5. Milyenek szerinte a kínai emberek?
  6. Mi a véleménye az ott élő nyugatiakról?
  7. Milyen lehetőségeket kínál Kína?
  8. Honnan érkezett a beszélő Kínába, és mennyire felelt meg az ország a várakozásainak?

Alapfok (B1) hanganyag szövege:

A foreigner in Shanghai

I lived in Shanghai for three years and worked at a university. I lived in an average apartment, in an average area of town, and took the metro to work. I would say it was a pleasure. Life in Shanghai is inspiring and friendly. I regularly visited Beijing and some other towns, which had a lot to offer, as well. China is a pleasure, in my opinion, for many reasons.

First, the food is amazing, and it is available everywhere, and you will have the time to eat it.

You can enjoy Chinese people’s company; they are energetic and happy to share a laugh or a smile. As for the foreigners, you will meet much more interesting people in China than you could ever hope to meet at home. Westerners who come to China are usually highly qualified people and it is great to hang out with them, and they will want to.

The cities are huge and full of opportunities and strange things that will entertain you endlessly. You can actually become someone very quickly in China; everything grows so fast, and before you know it, you are the managing director of something, with your own team. I have lived in nine countries and came to China from New Zealand. I had no high expectations at the time but was pleasantly surprised just the same.