NOTW: Rihanna wore Hungarian gloves in the 2023 Super Bowl Halftime Show

Olvasd el a hírt, hallgasd meg a szöveget és csináld meg a feladatot is!

Rihanna is one of the frequent customers of Pécsi Gloves International, a Hungarian gloves manufacturer located in Pécs, a city in Hungary.

Based on a Facebook post of the Pécs-Baranyai Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara (Pécs-Baranya Chamber of Commerce and Industry), the world-known American singer wore the gloves of the Hungarian manufacturer. Rihanna is a regular customer of Pécsi Gloves International, and the company made multiple variations for her. Finally, she chose the red version made of lamb wool.It was not the first time she wore gloves made in Hungary. Thus, the company already knew the size she needed. Stylists prepare several sets for a big production like the Super Bowl Halftime. This year’s Super Bowl was special since Rihanna paid tribute to designer Andre Leon Talley, who passed away last year.

Interestingly, the products of the Pécs manufacture are almost utterly unknown to the Hungarian public despite many wearing them in Hungary and worldwide. In Hungary, they are known as Karma Pécsi Kesztyű, the name of their official Facebook page. You can find them on Social Media, with an abundant selection of high-quality gloves.

Pécsi Gloves International is involved in several international cooperations and supports several film stars and celebrities with gloves. Designer and owner of Gaspar Gloves, Dorothy Gaspar, helps them with US contracts. Thanks to that cooperation, the American singer wore the product of the Hungarian gloves manufacturer in the Super Bowl show.

source: Daily News Hungary


frequent rendszeres
customer ügyfél
gloves kesztyű
to be located elhelyezkedni valahol
multiple variations sokféle változat
lamb wool báránygyapjú
to prepare készíteni
to pay tribute to tiszteletet adni, megemlékezni
to pass away elhunyni, meghalni
utterly teljesen
public nagyközönség
abundant selection széles választék
high-quality magas minőségű
to be involved in sg része lenni valaminek
to support támogatni
celebrity celeb, sztár
owner tulajdonos
contract szerződés