2010 december – News of the World / Teacher’s Resource Pack /

A magazin decemberi számában olvasható hírekhez kapcsolódó feladatlapot itt letöltheted! Az audió alapján dolgozz!

Letölthető tartalmak


1. Man crashes into building after passing driver test

Who caused the accident?
Robert Keller.

How old is the driver?
He is 34.

How did he feel about the accident?
He was apologetic and remorseful. He was scared, he knew that it was a bad mistake, and he was sorry for the people he scared and hurt.

Where was Robert Keller when the wreck happened?
He was still in the parking lot.

What caused the accident?
Robert Keller hit the wrong pedal and the car jerked forward into the building.

How many people suffered injuries?
Two people suffered minor injuries.

2. Dogs can be optimistic or pessimistic?

About how many dogs show "separation-related behavior" in the UK?
About half of the 10 million dogs in the United Kingdom show "separation-related behavior"

Instead of getting rid of anxious dogs or ignoring them, what should owners recognize?
They should recognize that their dogs may have emotional issues and seek treatment for them

How researchers measure canine psychology?
Researchers trained dogs to recognize that bowls on one side of a room contained food, while bowls on the other side were empty. They then placed the bowls in "neutral" locations between the two sides. Optimistic dogs sprinted toward the bowl, expecting to find food, while pessimistic dogs hesitated or ran more slowly.

What is correlated with the separated dog’s behaviour?
Its temperament.

When pessimistic dogs are left alone, they’re more likely to …
worry, bark ansd misbehave.

3. Round egg amazes experienced chef

What’s the name of the man who found the ball-shaped egg?
James Church.

How many eggs has he cracked?
He has cracked more than 100,000 eggs.

What causes misshapen eggs?
Pullets coming into lay, or hens late in  lay, often as a result of double ovulation.

Which country produces the most eggs in the world?

Egg yolks are used in … and …
Shampoos and conditioners.

4. World’s longest football match lasts 57 hours

The game had been arranged to raise money for charity …
The Meningitis Trust.

What was the final score?
425 – 354

Which team won the game?
Leeds Badgers.

How many hours was the previous record?
42 hours.

Why was one player taken to hospital?
Because of a suspected broken foot, but after getting the all clear returned to play for 10 hours.

How many minutes were allowed to rest in an hour?
Only 5 minutes per hour.