2010 december – How to make Mulled Wine

A magazin decemberi számában olvasható receptek mellé itt egy videós kiegészítő: forralt bor

Mulled wine

Step 1: You will need
1 1 ltr of medium bodied red wine
3 oranges, one whole the other 2 quartered
15 cloves
1 lemon in quarters
6 tbsp of sugar
3 inch piece of cinnamon stick
2 inch piece of ginger, peeled and cut in half
55 g sultanas
1 glass bunch bowl
1 medium sized saucepan
1 ladle
1 spoon
4 sturdy glasses (which can take heat)


Preparation Time:
15 minutes

Cooking Time:
20 minutes
Step 2: Prepare the oranges
Take the whole orange and push the cloves into it, sharp end first. Spread them evenly around the orange.

Step 3: Mix the ingredients
Place into the saucepan the studded orange, orange segments, the lemon quarter, the ginger, cinnamon, sultanas and pour over the wine.

Step 4: Heat the wine
Place the saucepan on a medium heat. Add the sugar to the wine. Give it a good stir with the spoon. Leave the wine to warm to just under a simmer, which is when you should see some bubbles and a bit of steam rising. Stir well again. An important tip: Don’t let it boil or the alcohol with evaporate. Allow the flavours to infuse for twenty minutes. After this time remove from the heat.

Step 5: Serve
Using the spoon carefully place all the fruit, the sultanas, ginger and cinnamon into the punch bowl.

Pour the wine into the bowl, onto the fruit. Allow the wine to cool a little before serving.

When ready to serve, ladle the wine into the glasses.