2010 október – Octoberfest – Teacher’s resource pack

Az 5percangol.hu-n egy nagyszerű videót láthatsz az Oktoberfestről. Töltsd le a felvétel alapján összeállított feladatlapot!

Octoberfest video questions & answers

Q: We can sum up the Octoberfest in 4 words. Which are these syllables?
A: These words are: eat, drink, drink and be merry.

Q: Which is the oldest tent of the entire event? (page 15 of the magazine can help)
A: The oldest one is the Schottenhamel.

Q: How many tents are in the Octoberfest?
A: About 14 or 15 tents are there.

Q: Hippodrom is smaller or bigger than the other tents?
A: It’s a little bit smaller.

Q: The Asian man’s favourite tent is the Schottenhamel. But why?
A: There is the best party music in the Octoberfest.

Q: The Sieber also known as …
A: (It is also called) sausage-tent.

Q: What is that thing that you can’t ignore in the Octoberfest?
A: The traditional German outfits you see everywhere.

Q: How many participants has the traditional costume walk of the Octoberfest?
A: It has 7000 participants.