Szalai Nóri

Ha bármilyen kérdésed vagy kérésed van kérlek bátran írj

Szia  !

Ma továbbra is idiómákkal fogunk foglalkozni. Tegnap olyan kifejezéseket tanultunk, amelyekben ételek voltak, ma olyanokat fogunk, amikben ruhadarabok vannak!

Ha szeretnéd gyakorolni ez utóbbiakat, akkor látogass el a  weboldalra, és itt találsz új feladatokat ehhez a témához kapcsolódóan:



Kapcsolódó lecke:

Food Idioms.
Önéletrajz írás3.
Önéletrajz írás2.

Önéletrajz írás1.



I’m not a wolf in a sheep’s clothing, so in this unit I will tell you what the above mentioned idioms really mean!


It is time that you pull up your socks and begin to learn also some idioms! Teachers will love it if you just pull them out of a hat!




to air/to hang out one’s dirty linen in public

to have ants in ones pants

to handle with kid gloves

below the belt

tell about one`s private quarrels or problems where others can hear

restlessness, nervousness

treat very gently and carefully

in an unfair or cowardly way

kiteregeti a (családi) szennyest

nyugtalanság, idegesség jelzésére használjuk

kesztyűs kézzel bánni vkivel/vmivel

övön alul, gyáván, gerinctelen módon

My wife always airs the family’s dirty linen in public when she goes out with friends.

The little boy was moving around as he had ants in his pants.

You must handle the new employee with kid gloves as he is very sensitive.

I think that he was hitting below the belt when he began to criticize me after I told him my true feelings on the matter.


to bet one’s boots

to keep sth under one’s hat

to roll up one’s sleeves

shoes is ont he other foot

bet everything that one has

keep something secret

get ready for a hard job, prepare to work hard or seriously

the opposite is true, places are changed

mindenét kockára teszi, fogad

titokban tart

feltűri az inge ujját, azaz nekilát a munkának

a nyúl viszi a vadászpuskát: )


I will bet my boots that he is not able to save up enough money to come with us to Greece this winter.

I plan to keep my plans to apply for a new job under my hat.

Let`s roll up our sleeves and begin to work so that we can finish early.

For a long time my friend laughed at my problems at work. Now the shoe is on the other foot and he also has serious problems.


Millennium Idegennyelvi Központ
1064 Budapest, Vörösmarty utca 45.
(Vörösmarty - Aradi sarok)
Telefon: 06-1-353-4209, 06-70-452-0474 |
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